For Businesses
Stronger together, under one arch
Welcome FAB Businesses! We, here at Frontenac Arch Biosphere Network, value the strength of community and its people; and at the heart of community are businesses like yours! Together, we can make the Frontenac Arch Biosphere the most recognizable Eco Destination in Canada!
Throughout the Sustainable Tourism Program, Businesses located within the Greater Biosphere Region will have the chance to participate in a series of webinars hosted by Frontenac Arch Biosphere and GreenStep Solutions Inc. Gaining new industry knowledge and real-world strategies they can use to achieve their personal goals in sustainability. These businesses will be featured in a series of StoryMaps through Fab Experiences – showcasing the best of the Biosphere to Eco-conscience travellers of Ontario, Canada, and Beyond!
738 Biospheres Worldwide
19 Biospheres in Canada
1 Frontenac Arch Biosphere
What is
For local business owners/agents operating within the Greater Frontenac Arch Biosphere Region, this is your connection to:
Reach new markets.
By packaging the tourism offerings of all three Counties together under one Greater FAB Region with an international UNESCO biosphere designation at its heart, will expand the reach and marketability of our region as a distinct, diverse and sustainable tourism destination.
Bring more tourists to your door.
This new, fully-accessible website and interactive map will be a one-stop-shop for activities, accommodations and tourist attractions throughout our region.
Sign on and help link FABulous experiences together through land- and water-based trails, while promoting active transportation and rural tourism.
Meet travelers that want to take more sustainable trips.
Learn more about how to promote the environmental and economic significance of the Frontenac Arch Biosphere Region.
You’ll also gain access to free capacity-building workshops on sustainable tourism and training to adopt and promote green initiatives in your day-to-day business so you can take advantage of the shift in tourism demand toward more sustainable and local travel options.
Eligibility Criteria for Sustainable Tourism Program
The Establishment falls into the tourism category by interacting (by way of goods/services) with the tourism sector (i.e. traveler or tourist) on either a daily or average basis throughout the duration of the tourism season (May - October) or the greater of this duration.
The Establishment falls under the structure of Independent or Partnership Business and not under the structure or umbrella of Corporation or Sub Corporation.
The Establishment wishes to gain knowledge and seek opportunities in the category of Sustainable Tourism and the Eco Travel movement by way of participation in the Frontenac Arch Biosphere (FAB) Network; Sustainable Tourism Program (via webinars and resources provided to the Establishment, at no cost, by FABN.
The Establishment wishes to have their business integrated into the GIS Mapping software of the new Eco Destination Site: to attract travelers and tourists seeking sustainable options while visiting the Frontenac Arch Biosphere region.
The Establishment is located within the Tri-County Frontenac Arch Biosphere Greater Region (Frontenac County, Leeds and Grenville, Lanark)