Species at risk are plants and animals that have been recognized as having populations that are diminished to the point that they are considered in risk of disappearing from the wild. There are currently more than 300 species at risk in Canada.
Resources for species at risk.
Reporting species sightings – https://ontarionature.org/programs/community-science/reptile-amphibian-atlas/
Habitat enhancement for the gray rat snake – http://www.lgstewardship.ca
Information brochures on turtles – https://ontarioturtle.ca
Information on reptiles and amphibians – https://www.torontozoo.com/adoptapond/speciesguides
Information on species at risk, and turtle nesting boxes (Thousand Islands National Park program) – https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/on/1000/nature/conservation/rare